Welcome to Commissioner Aaron "Adot" Whitely's Info Hub

My Priorities

As your commissioner I remain steadfast in my commitment to transparency, community safety, youth engagement and responsible growth.  I believe that as our community grows, government officials have a responsibility to our community to make ensure citizens are at the table to discuss our growth.   As your commissioner, I will continue to use my position to ensure that southwest Chatham County thrives, and the citizens are engaged in the decision-making process. I believe in consistent engagement & partnership with local leaders & activists, community organizations. Together we can collaborate to engage our youth to help them become active members of society. Through this collaboration, we will foster the development of the 6th District into a better place to live and work!


Tomorrow’s leaders, policy makers, employers and workforce are represented in our youth. Our government has to be intentional in ensuring that ALL of our youth have the tools available to them to become productive citizens.  As YOUR commissioner I have worked to identify grant opportunities for our youth and to develop creative ways to engage our youth.  I believe that engaging our youth will help lower crime while uncovering other challenges that may need to be addressed in our community’s households.

  • As YOUR commissioner I’m proud to report that one of our campaign promises has been realized with the creation of Chatham County Youth Court in partnership The Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire and the Savannah Chatham County Public School System. Click HERE to read a press release about the program. The program is in its third year with four high schools and one middle school taking part in it.
  •  As YOUR Commissioner, I was able to round up the support from my colleagues to change our revenue ordinance to remove the costs of outdoor field usage for local organizations. Now field usage is FREE for organizations engaging our youth during the daytime.  Click HERE to see the updated ordinance on page 60.
  • As YOUR commissioner, I have been advocating for our regional sports facility to be placed in or near our district as an avenue to engage our youth. We are getting closer to selecting a location and a site IN THE 6th DISTRICT is in the group of final options. 

Responsible Growth

In 2020, the Census told us that there were approximately 295,000 people living in Chatham County.  As of 2024 there are an estimated 325,000 people living in the county now.  That growth has highlighted the lack of housing and the need for critical infrastructure in our community. When I took office in 2021, the commission was faced with challenges that were intensified by our community’s growth.  As YOUR commissioner I have worked with my colleagues to tackle these issues head on while being direct and upfront with citizens.   

  • As YOUR Commissioner, I have stood side by side with residents in West Chatham County to ensure that the growth and development in our community is not at the expense of our existing citizens in the district.  HERE is some news coverage of my engagement with the citizens of West Chatham County.
  • As YOUR Commissioner, I spearheaded the effort for Chatham County to start a fire department to ensure fire service always has a consistent funding source.  I have been transparent with our community about the realities about the fire service issue. HERE is some news coverage reflecting my transparency.
  • As YOUR Commissioner, I have been candid and made sure we as a county address our challenges at our 911 center. As our community grows the emergency service demand will grow as well.  Understanding that the staff at our 911 center have one of the most stressful jobs in the county, I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure that our 911 center has the resources needed to ensure the service works to the best of its ability.  HERE is some news coverage reflecting my focus on 911.


 I have worked to be transparent and responsible to you as my neighbors. I will continue to make sure that we are being responsible to our community as it relates to how we spend our tax dollars.  I will continue making sure that there are direct avenues for the community to engage with YOUR government.  

  • As YOUR commissioner I have worked to make sure the county commission is fair, deliberate and intentional with our tax dollars.  In my first year in office, I spearheaded an effort to stop our budget from being “rubber stamped” in order to make sure that we are being smart with our spending. HERE is a link to a story about the matter.
  • As YOUR Commissioner I have hosted community meetings in various locations throughout the district to make sure you have an opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas with me. I am committed to making sure there are more ways to connect with YOUR government.  HERE is a link to one of the meetings I hosted online and in person.
  • As YOUR Commissioner, I spearheaded an effort to codify the County Manager’s evaluation process.  Prior to this effort, there was no way to ensure our manager was being evaluated by ALL commissioners.  HERE is a link to a story that describes the new code.
  • As YOUR Commissioner I made sure that local animal rights organizations were at the table and part of the discussion on updating Chatham County’s Animal Control ordinance.  It was a pleasure to work with groups like Georgia Companion Animal Advocacy and Speaking Loudly & Often for Animals to make improvements to the ordinance to ensure Chatham County’s animal population are protected and treated with the love they deserve.  HERE is a link to some news coverage of the changes that were negotiated with these community advocates.

“I am unafraid of conflict or strife and am willing to endure it for the betterment of our community. As a coach/mentor and insurance agent I work with children and their families and business owners and under appreciated employees on a daily basis so I have the ability to see things from a variety of lenses. My military experience has afforded me the opportunity to engage and lead a diverse block people in high stress and highly scrutinized environments. I understand that a good leader listens to those he or she leads. Elect me, Aaron “Adot” Whitely as your next County Commissioner, for District 6 and let me show you true servant leadership.” – Aaron “Adot” Whitely